The Stylish Tacmed Modulator 4 Series Workplace Kit is a compact and versatile first aid kit containing injury specific modules to suit all of your medical emergency needs.
6 modules are included in this kit ranging from your typical 'cuts and grazes' gear to your Major Trauma Module, which wouldn't be TACMED without including the SOFTT Tactical Tourniquet and a compact Hyfin Chest Seal.
Snake Bite Module
AEROFORM Indicator Bandage 1 Roll
AEROGLOVE?? Nitrile Examination Gloves (Pair) 1 Pairs
AEROPAD?? Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm 1 pc
AEROPAD?? Low Adherent Dressings 7.5cm x 10cm 1 pc
AEROBAND?? Triangular Bandage 110 x 110 x 155cm 1 pc
Snake Bite Treatment Leaflet 1 pc
Eye Wound Module
AEROFORM?? Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4m 1 Roll
AEROPORE?? Microporous Tape 1.25cm x 5m 1 pc
AEROPAD?? Eye Pads 6 pc
AEROWASH?? Eye Wash Ampoule 15mL 10 pc
Eyewound Treatment Card 1 pc
AEROGLOVE?? Nitrile Examination Gloves (pair) 1 Pairs
Dressing & Bandage Module
AEROSWAB?? Gauze Swabs 7.5 x 7.5cm 3??s 3 pc
AEROPAD?? Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm 3 pc
AEROPAD?? Low Adherent Dressings 7.5cm x 10cm 2 pc
AEROPAD?? Low Adherent Dressings 10cm x 10cm 1 pc
AEROFORM?? Conforming Bandage 5cm x 4m 2 Rolls
AEROWOUND?? BPC Wound Dressing #14 1 pc
AEROFORM?? Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4m 1 Roll
Burns Module
AEROBURN?? Burn Gel Sachets 3.5g 8 pc
AEROGLOVE?? Nitrile Examination Gloves (Pair) 1 Pairs
ABD10 AEROBURN?? Burn Dressing 10cm x 10cm 2 pc
AEROBURN?? PE Burn Sheet 10cm x 10cm 1 pc
AEROBURN?? PE Burn Sheet 20cm x 20cm 1 pc
AEROBURN?? PE Burn Sheet 60cm x 90cm 1 pc
AEROGUIDE Burns First Aid Card 1 pc
AEROFORM?? Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4m 1 pc
Cuts & Grazes Module
AEROPLAST Plastic Plaster 72x19mm 25 pc
AEROPLAST Fabric Premium Strip 72mm x 19mm 25 pc
AEROAID Antiseptic Spray 50ml 1 pc
AEROGLOVE?? Nitrile Examination Gloves (Pair) 1 Pairs
AEROSWAB Gauze Swabs 7.5cm x 7.5cm 3??s 1 pc
AEROWIPE Cleansing Wipe 10 pc
AEROPROBE Splinter Probes 3.7cm 10 pc
AEROFORM Conforming Bandage 7.5cm x 4M 1 Roll
AEROINSTRUMENTS Scissor 10cm 1 pc
AEROINSTRUMENTS Tweezer 12cm 1 pc
AEROPORE Microporous Tape 2.5cm x 5M 1 pc
AEROSUPPLIES Notebook & Pen 1 pc
AEROPINS Safety Pins 12 pc
AEROPAD?? Low Adherent Dressings 10cm x 10cm 1 pc
AEROPAD?? Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm 1 pc
First Aid Leaflet 1 pc
Trauma Module
AEROFORM?? Heavyweight Conforming Bandage 10cm x 4m 1 Roll
AEROGLOVE?? Nitrile Examination Gloves (Pairs) 1 pc
AEROBAND?? Triangular Bandage 110 x 110 x 155cm 1 pc
AEROPAD?? Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm 1 pc
AEROWOUND?? BPC Wound Dressing #15 1 pc
AERORESCUE?? Emergency Rescue Blanket (Silver) 1 pc
AEROWOUND?? Combine Dressing 10cm x 20cm 1 pc
AEROPLAST?? Instant Ice Pack 80g 1 pc
AEROPLAST?? Amputated Parts Bag 3 pc
AEROSWAB?? Gauze Swabs 7.5 x 7.5cm 3??s 1 pc
AEROSHIELD?? CPR Face Shield 1 pc
SOFTT-W Tactical Tourniquet- Wide 1 pc
Emergency (Israeli) Bandage 4 inch 1 pc
Hyfin Vent Compact Chest Seal