RS10 By prolonged revisions on schematic design and components,RS10 restores the sound heard by mastering engineers,which is done by application of multiple new techniques,a hybrid crossover that you can almost call it monstrous,and proprietary drivers commissioned to achieve our ideal performance.
RS10(Reference Sound Series)Crossover for reference sounnd,To achieve desirable specifications in frequency/time domain and impedance,Softears designed a 5-way crossover which could even rival those in hi-end speakers.This crossover features 2 band pass,1 low pass and even a 4th order LC filter to precisely manipulate the impedance and frequency characteristics,this brings RS10 a nearly perfect phase/impedance consistency across the audible frequencies,on top of that the mid-high frequencies almost completely match the natural hearing specs of human ear under studio monitors.
RS10(Reference Sound Series) Crossover for reference sound,Albeit the fact this crossover is so complex,Softears enginneers work hard to simplify the design into two modules consisting of 15components to minimize interference between components and reduce difficulty for audio sources to drive RS10 IEM.
Sensitivity:100dB/100mV Impedance:25Ω@1kHz
Frequency Response:20Hz-40Hz Distortion:THD<1% , IMD<1%
Socket:0.78mm 2pin