Product Details
1-Year-Old Pediatric Airway Trainer, Medium
The 1-Year-Old Patient Airway Trainer is a full-body neonatal manikin designed with a realistic chest cavity and airway that allows participants to practice correct intubation of infants and toddlers. Participants can use real tools to hone technique and reduce the potential for airway injury.1-Year Pediatric Airway Trainer Features:
Features | Five Year |
One Year |
Newborn |
Realistic chest cavity containing realistic organs | |||
Fully articulating head, neck, and jaw permitting head-tilt/chin lift, jaw thrust, and neck extension into the sniffing position | |||
Anatomically accurate mouth, tongue, airway, and esophagus designed to illustrate the profound differences between intubating an infant, a child, or an adult | |||
Soft neck with cricoid cartilage permits classic Sellick maneuver | |||
Realistic chest rise during ventilation | |||
Realistic trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Observable bilateral lung expansion under positive pressure ventilation | |||
Airway narrows below vocal cords | |||
Realistic vocal cords with “fish-eye” appearance | |||
Airway diameter | 9mm | 5mm | 3.8mm |
Airway allows the passage of a cuffed ET tube | - | - | - |
Nasal passage permits placement of NP tube | |||
Surgical placement of tracheostomy tube | - | - | - |
Emergency needle cricothyrotomy stick | - | - | - |
Bilateral tension pneumothorax decompression | - | - | - |
Six neck collars, three cricoid cartilages, membrane tape | - | - | - |
Carrying bag | |||
Instruction manual |
Made in USA by Gaumard Scientific and sold by GTSimulators.
GTSimulators by Global Technologies
Gaumard Scientific Authorized Dealer